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Guzel konusma oldugu acik.. ama bunu icimizden birileri ikna ederek yasatacak mi?

Written on April 6, 2009 by ozan

Clinton’lar, Obama’lar vb bunlari soyleyince karsilikli begeniyoruz, alkisliyoruz…

ama kendi icimizdeki kutuplasmalar hakkinda.. Laik/dindar…. Turk/Kurt.. Sunni/Alevi .. Bati’ya yakin/Dogu’ya yakin birseyleri bizim icimizden biri soylediginde hep “zaten su tarafa yakin oluyor” adi…

Kendi icimizden biri bir gun toplumun cogunlugunu, sessiz/sesli cogunlugunu ikna ederek boyle bir konusma yapabilecek mi?

Bence mesele/soru bu…

>> Here is what they don’t understand: Turkey’s greatness lies in your ability
>> to be at the center of things. This is not where East and West divide – it
>> is where they come together. In the beauty of your culture. In the richness
>> of your history. In the strength of your democracy. In your hopes for
>> tomorrow.
>> I am honored to stand here with you – to look forward to the future that we
>> must reach for together – and to reaffirm America’s commitment to our strong
>> and enduring friendship. Thank you.

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