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Written on November 26, 2023 by admin

Posted by mobile phone:
Not the best Napoleon movie. Certainly not the best Ridley Scott movie.

More of a Netflix era meets Ridley Scott.

More of a Napoleon and Josephine.

A documentary

Scott takes us from 1789 to his death.

All “key moments” touched. Perhaps one or 2 biggest events & more in depth could be better.

I like the “and Josephine” part

And for sure, Phoenix & Kirby make the most of it.

Battle scenes as epic as it should be.

3 hours flew by

But taking “liberty” at things like Napoleon sending cannons at pyramids?!

Come on man: Give us a break! 😉

Scott ending with a number of soldiers dying at Napoleon era? Mehh…

The man for which most movies ever were made…

This one felt flat & mid

The very last words of Napoleon Bonaparte!

“France… Army… Josephine.”

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