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“Educated.” Tara Westover’in gercek hikayesini ilgiyle okudum


Written on August 9, 2020 by ozan

Tara Westover’in gercek hikayesini, buyuk bir ilgiyle okudum.

Iki senedir oldukca “olay” oldu. Okumayanlariniza da tavsiye ederim.

Okuduktan sonra tartismasi ayri zevkli.


Bizdeki meshur “egitim sart”in uzantisi.

Mormon’larin ortasindan, “okula gitmesi, hastaneye gitmesi yasak” bir evden; Cambridge’lere, Harvard’lara yuruyen kizin hikayesi

“Bipolar” bir baba; “abuser” otesi, siddet bagimlisi abi, ve “eyyamci, goz yuman” anne

O egitim sonrasi; “bedel”i tum ailesinden kopmasi oluyor. 3 agabey haric.

Taa 2000’lerde baslayan hikaye.. O zamanin Amerika’sinin dahi “bagnazligini” goruyorsunuz… Trump mrump otesi, Cumhuriyetci oylarinin nereden geldigini..

Bir santim kisa etek giymeye “whore” diyen baba; kizkardesi kafasini tuvaletlere sokan agabey

Tara, yine de kopmamaya calisiyor.

Belli genellemeleri bana gore degil.. “evde kek yapan kizkardesimde, okumasam, kacmasam; ne olacagimi gordum.”

Annesi ile hayati email yazismalari var. Agaci, kopegi saatlerce tasvir eden kadin “paraphrase” etmeyi seciyor.

Ve kitabin en sonu.. “16 yasindaki kizi icimden cikaramadim… because I moved on.. because of education” ana fikrini birakiyor.

Kacarak hayatini kurtarmis, tamam

Ama benim icin egitim ve yasam, 16 ile 48’i, Utah ile Cambridge’i, ailesi ile kendisini surekli baglayabilmek. O kopruyu yikmamak.

Kitabi, basta Obama vb unlu etmis.. “Anti red necks” sonucta ozu. Westover’i ilk google edis, karsiniza Bill Gates ve Ellen mulakatlari cikiyor.

Basardigina saygi duydum.

Amerika’nin kokundeki “din imanin” para ve siddet oldugunu yine sezdim.(Ruh hastasi baba, agabey, anne alternative medicine vb derken muthis zengin oluyorlar. Tum aile bir Ocu; ama degismeyen sey silaha tapmalari, hukumete guvensizlik, “business, business” ve diger tum ulkelerin
“Commie” olmasi)

Ama hikayesinde icime sinmeyen ogeler de oldu.

Okuyun derim. 🙏🏻

Grenfell. 3 Years On!


Written on June 14, 2020 by admin

Posted by mobile phone:
Grenfell. We will never forget.

Hundreds lost, burned in the neighbourhood; walking distance to so called “world’s capital.” 😢🤢

3 years on. Nobody really punished.

No accountability

Same dangers remain

Black lives matter; minorities matter; social justice matters.

What the Right universally fails in!

🌹 ✊

Grenfell. 3 Years On!


Written on June 14, 2020 by admin

Posted by mobile phone:
Grenfell. We will never forget.

Hundreds lost, burned in the neighbourhood; walking distance to so called “world’s capital.” 😢🤢

3 years on. Nobody really punished.

No accountability

Same dangers remain

Black lives matter; minorities matter; social justice matters.

What the Right universally fails in!

🌹 ✊

“Was that OK?”


Written on May 31, 2020 by admin

Posted by mobile phone:
Oprah’nin Rubenstein mulakati donuyor Bberg tv

Hosuma giden bir reklam iki dakikasi var

Obama, springsteen, scorcese, barkley su bu

Roportaj bitince “was that ok?” Der , diyor

Duyulma istegi. Ve “iyi mi gecti; istedigimi diyebildim mi”

Bunu cok iyi anliyorum

Milyar kisi onu; abd baskani ile konusmuyorum

Ama benim de soylesilerim ve musterilerimden bildigim bir sey bu

Yalniz kalinca

“Was that okay?”

Hafta icinden, paylasmak istedim

Main problem of the market in past 10-15 years


Written on May 30, 2020 by admin

Posted by mobile phone:
Me in April:

Main problem of “market” for past 12 years or so.. but also fundamentally

People (or now much more robots) are better at math, physics, modelling etc

But they have no edge & flat out most are very bad at politics, geopolitics, macro econ & main street “common sense”

That’s why so many suffer in Godot, no normalization age

So true, for years

BBC ulkemizi ovmek yerine yerse idi…


Written on May 30, 2020 by admin

Posted by mobile phone:
Bakin; “bizim” cevrenin cemberin ozu sudur.

Eger ayni BBC

BBC/ Covid 19 Turkey fiasco makalesi yazsa

12 whats app’im 122 forward olurdu

Yes; the rest is shaving

“Halide Edip hastaligi”

“Play well, Gazza.”


Written on May 23, 2020 by admin

Posted by mobile phone:
Sir Bobby Robson, kanser ile mucadelesinin son gunleri, son bir kez kendi adina duzenlenen Kupa icin stadyuma cikmis.

Tekerlekli iskemle…

Ingiltere vs Almanya “eski” yildizlari

Oyuncularin yanindan gecerken, surekli “where’s Gazza?” diyormus.. “Where’s Gazza?”

Gascoigne nihayet eski kocuna, onu belki yillar once harcanip, vefat etmekten kurtaran adama seslenmis.

Sir Bobby sadece “play well” demis. “Play well, Gazza.”

Bes gun sonra vefat etmis.

Seyretmem icin kafamin etini yiyen sevgili Ismail’e tesekkur ederim.

Kitaplar varken, icimiz disimiz Netflix olsun istemiyorum.

Ama bu futbut mutbol otesi, yasam icin degdi.

Sir Bobby, taa 70’ler, 80’lerde o stadyum soyunma odalari icin asil bir insanmis.

“Corporate” manevralara uzak..

Gercek Ronaldo, Mourinho, Pep, Shearer, tabii ki sir Alex, hakkinda cok guzel seyler anlatiyorlar.

Bugun stadda onun koltugunda oturan esi.

Herhalde bir Cruyff manevrasi ile, basarili sezona ragmen yerine van Gaal getiriliyor

“Burasi artik van Gaal’in yeri” diyen van Gaal’i ne kadar sevmedigimi ve begenmedigimi dusundum yine

Tum belgeseli, yine Robson-Gascoigne iliskisi ile baglayacagim.

Bir iyi duzgun insan ve bir isinde deha, ama deli

O Robson’in, Lineker’ce anlatilan, Gazza’yi adam yerine koymasi, deger vermesi..

“I felt safe with Sir Bobby” diyor.

“Play well, Gazza” demis ve 5 gun sonra vefat etmis.

Aliye Teyze’min bana son telefonunu hatirladim

Belgesel, tumunuze, yasam dusunceleri icin onerilir.

Episode X. Finale. The Last Shot!


Written on May 19, 2020 by ozan

Episode X. Finale. The Last Shot!

I remember where I was during the Last Shot.

I remember exactly what I did. What it meant to me. Why.

That’s why this documentary was so powerful. We all relived those years. Went to our own past. Had a journey back to our own journey.

I don’t remember whether Ali Sahinbas called me. Or whether I called him. Him in Chicago. Me here in London.

Last 41 seconds.. throughout the game, I had just said: “Stay in it. Just stay in it.”

Like Tanri said after, “I just had faith”

The steal from Malone. No time out. The shove. That hand. The last shot!

I yelled & cried so much that Emre came from the other room. Neighbours banging on the walls. Couldn’t care less.

It was part of my History, too.

I loved Episode 1 and 10 in different ways.

1 because I could feel something special was starting in our quarantine days. How my whole family was getting sucked into it.

“Even Zeynep?” Baskan asked today.

Maybe more than all, Zeynep.

That last shot still brings the goosebumps & teary eyes.. More special when I held my son’s hand after.

Yes; that Rodman quote after Game 6 made me crack, dear Aaron!

Jerry Reinsdorf’s “explanation” still doesn’t cut it for me.

“Phil said no. Krause would be upset.”

Really.. Then you keep Jordan & Phil… Let go Krause (RIP, by the way). And let them rebuild

The guy even played for Wizards..

Big business mistake, too.

Wonderful to hear the children finally. (Son in law plays in Ankara!! And Jordan a grandpa)

Big hole not to hear his ex wife.

Big hole not to ask about the Wizards years. Not even one word.

I “know” Michael Jordan rather well. To this day, it was a mistake. Last shot should have been the last shot.

I think he knows. Hence no word.

Very classy of Karl Malone to come on the bus after the defeat. He must be still bitter not to appear on the show though.

Wonderful job by the director. It went much beyond all cliches I agree with that he is God & disagree with that he is a bully.

Still miss the way he handled himself in the pressers. Cool, mature, under control in defeat & victory

(Very offside for Rodman to do the WWF in the middle)

I was back & forth London and World Cup France the whole time watching those matches.

To me Kobe was bit too much of a copy act (RIP) & Lebron not in the same planet grace and beauty of the game wise.. No wonder rating records still belong to Jordan’s era. Planet got more global since then. But planet also moved on.

I will cherish & re watch Last Dance

Zeynep’cim said, “that was so nice. So good,” at the end.

Like that hand of Jordan.

“My heart and my soul and my love will always be with the city of Chicago.”


Episode 9. Gus. Kerr’s father. Gentle. Love


Written on May 19, 2020 by admin

Posted by mobile phone:
Epidode 9. Gus. Kerr’s father. Gentle. Love(Ingilizce yaziyorum. Okumak isteyen dostlar oluyor. Google translate demek bir yere kadar)IX was special.For moments I know so well. And equally for those I did not at all.Gus was special. From the first 10-15 seconds, one could sense it was a “father figure” for JordanThe older, wiser guy he could trust.When he missed his father, he called Gus at 2 am to his house.When Gus had cancer, it was Jordan’s turn to visit him in his house. Did not leave him alone.Kerr’s dad, his sad death, murder in Beirut. Brings a welcome, intellectual angle to the whole seriesThe respect he has for a Reggie or a Bird in between & after the matches. That’s the Jordan I admireHe sure is a complicated man. But a “bully” or “overconfident” etc are way too much of cliches for me.9 clears the air furtherAnd then the “flu” game, of course. Turns out it was the “pizza poisoning game” after all! Did not know.We remember all those days because we lived through them.I had to fly during that one to my very first official work day in my London. Nosmart phones. No nothing. I land & my best friend Fuad has left a message at the airport information desk.. “Welcome to London, Mr. Korman Tarman.. Jordan has won!”Then the Game 6. That trust in Kerr.. at 3 or 4 am London; I was at Sahinbas’s house, hugging him, Filiz Teyze & Ahmet abi.X will be the end. But this will be discussed for years to come! We will re-watch it & who knows, maybe another one.PS: the unknowns. Undiscusseds. Ahmad Rashad. A journalist. But right next to Jordan; 2 hours before a Game 7. 🙏🏻

Episode 8. “I’m back.”


Written on May 13, 2020 by ozan

Episode 8. “I’m back!”

Beklenen Mutluluk bolumu.

Yillardir her uzun tatilimden, “ise/okurlarima” dondugumde, sadece o cumleyi atarim

“I’m back”

Oyle bir yer etmis.

O 72-10 sampiyonlugu.

Yeri bambaska. Cunku NYC’deyim. Adeta her bir macini seyretme sansim var.

Sampiyonluklar yazlara denk geldiginden, simdi fark ediyorum ki sadece 1 ve 4’un son dudugunu Amerika’da yasadim.

“Work ethic.” Kaybettiginde; ertesi sabah calismaya baslamasi. Tatili vb kesmesi

Babasina bagi

Ilk Indiana maci oncesi, dostu soforune kendisine yalniz hissettigini soylemesi

Sonra o sampiyonluk, zaten Babalar Gunu gelecek. Cogumuz yerde onunla agladik.

Kerr ile tutusmalari.. EQ ile cozmeleri

(Kerr’in 73-9 takiminin gidip sampiyonluk vermesine burada parantez)

“Kendini motive edecek bir detay, bir takinti” bulmasi tabii ki buyuk mavra.. ama bir noktadan sonra bayiyor hafif. Bu yasinda daha fark etmistir

BJ Armstrong’a nerede trash konusulacagini ogretmesi

Space Jam’in unutulmaz yazi

Artik 98 Sampiyonluguna yaklasiyoruz. 🙏🏻❤️