WHAT DO I THINK HERE? Party On! But Merkel will not be as keen, so your timing on when she puts cold water onto this, “oh, it wasn’t as bad as I feared so much on Friday night,” charm offensive is crucial here. My personal prediction is that perpetual swaps & “Greek growth linked bonds” […]
Entries Categorized as 'Siyaset'
WHAT DO I THINK HERE? Party On! But Merkel will not be as keen, so your timing on when she puts cold water onto this, “oh, it wasn’t as bad as I feared so much on Friday night,” charm offensive….
February 3, 2015
WHAT DO I THINK HERE? We will fear the worst many times before key Greece dates like Feb 5, 12 and 28 now. It will be back to “2010-2012″ European Crisis headline trading of Macro. This morning for example, we trade worse because NYT claims Varoufakis doesn’t want the Bailout Tranche. Before the key dates above, I would play for the squeeze because I personally believe Merkel won’t allow European ship to “break.”
January 30, 2015
WHAT DO I THINK HERE? We will fear the worst many times before key Greece dates like Feb 5, 12 and 28 now. It will be back to “2010-2012″ European Crisis headline trading of Macro. This morning for example, we trade worse because NYT claims Varoufakis doesn’t want the Bailout Tranche. Before the key dates […]
Princeton! Omur boyu hatirlayacaklarim..
November 14, 2014
Profesor/dostum beni cok “comertce” tanittigi andan itibaren, gunlerce (tatli bir heyecanla) kafamda canlandirdigim zaman nihayet gercekten akmaya basladi.
Tahmin ettigim gibi, kendimi biraktim gitti.. Aldigim bir iki sayfa not da kenarlarda bir yerde kalmisti; “devam” dedim.
Ilk icimin iyice kipirdadigi an, kaleme uzanan eller ve not alindigini gordugumde.. Konferansta ya da is ortaminda konusmaya benzemiyor. Ayri bir […]
Bu ulkenin Cumhurbaskani… Basbakani … Hocaefendi dedikleri…. Ucunuzden biri, elinizde olsa bile, Berkin’cigin cenazesine katilabilir mi?
March 11, 2014
Icten uzuntu deseniz inanilir mi?
Yuzde BIN oyunuz olsun
Bir MILYAR kisi dinleyebilecek “kudret”iniz olsun…
Bitmissiniz siz.
Canim Berkin.
Telling the Economist and TIME covers from this w/end
July 16, 2012
TIME has a black & white grim looking photo of you-know-who accompanied by “Why Everybody Loves to hate Angela Merkel.” .. Seems to miss the point again; simply compare and contrast w/ what a German colleague sent below last nite.
And “good reverse indicator” Economist cover talks about the “Comeback Kid: American economy” .. They have […]
Godot, the correction, has come; players will fear the Greek outcome until they see “the money.” As predicted, global children’s halfterms have provided excellent excuse as well. Better than average money will be made this year by showing the courage & timing to go against the tide in times like this…
February 10, 2012
WHAT DO I THINK HERE? Godot, the correction, has come; players w
ill fear the Greek outcome until they see “the money.” As predic
ted, global children’s halfterms have provided excellent excuse
as well. Better than average money will be made this year by sho
wing the courage & timing to go against the tide in times like this
. […]
Ligden cekilmek otesi, memleket ve “sporuna” tum ilgimi oldurduler.. Ve bir havuz hikayesi.
August 25, 2011
Galatasaray Adasi’nda yuzdum ben.
“Oxford var miydi da okumadik?” ; o zamanlar Fener’in yazin annemin oglunu gonderebilecegi yuzme okulu bile yoktu.
Yine de oglenleri Fenerbahce tezahurati yapmamiza izin verilirdi vb.
Yirmi sekiz yil sonrasina falan gecelim.. Iki gece once.. Hayattaki en yakin arkadaslarimdan birine, gurbet sirasi aile masasi acmisiz.. Akraba cocuklarinin yuzme yarisina gittiginden bahsederken bir iki detay […]
November 29, 2010
Like Roger vs Nadal last nite, everyone knows this is what it wi
ll boil down to.. And not to have something “possibly bigger tha
n Lehman,” (i.e if Spain goes , Europe goes is a big motto for
some ) , we need Nadal to win at […]
Sevgiyle aniyorum..
November 11, 2010
Kamplasmalardan uzak, anlamaya calisarak, takdirle ya da yapici elestiriyle.. Ama saygiyla anilacagi gunleri ozluyorum.
Halkimizda biraktigi izin nesillerden nesile gececegine de hala inaniyorum.
En yakin arkadaslarina “seni seviyorum” diyebilen, memleketin simge lideri Ataturk’u ben seviyorum. Cok. Ve ogluma, kizima, yegenlerime kendi anladigim Mustafa Kemal’i aktariyorum. Aktaracagim.
Nur icinde yatsin.
Su an “yalniz ve yenik,” ama Obama’nin yapmasi gereken basbariz.. Siyaset 101..
November 3, 2010
“Policy” policy diye kafayi yiyecegine..
University of Chicago, Harvard karizma profesoru yapacagina..
Ama televizyonda, ama meydanlarda insanlar arasina dalma..
Irkci olan ve olmayan, tum insanlar arasina
Kendini “sevdirme.”
Business dusmani diyenle de, sosyalist diyenle de konusmak..
Su aloof, notr, tutkusuz “ayaklari” birakmak..
Icinden geliyorsa..
Gelemiyorsa zaten, unut.
Piyasayi hallederiz.
O guzel bir kadin dansozdur. ;)
Palin “surprizi” olsun, ulkeyi batirabiliriz ama ;)